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I am a Georgia licensed psychologist who is board certified in Clinical Psychology, based on examination by the American Board of Professional Psychology (ABPP). I am also board certified in Neuropsychology, based on examination by the American Board of Professional Neuropsychology (ABN).
I hold a Certificate in Professional Qualification (CPQ), an Interjurisdictional Practice Certificate (IPC), and an E.Passport issued by the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB). I hold a certificate for the Authority to Practice Interjurisdictional Telepsychology (APIT), and a Temporary Authorization to Practice (TAP) in-person for 30 days per calendar year in PSYPACT states, both of which certificates are issued by the Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact (PSYPACT) Commission.
I am a former President of the Georgia Psychological Association (GPA), and served on the GPA Board of Directors for over 12 years. I am a member of the American Psychological Association (APA), the American Counseling Association (ACA), the National Academy of Neuropsychology (NAN), and the American College of Professional Neuropsychology. For over 20 years, my inpatient practice included thousands of diagnostic consultations and neuropsychological assessments.
My educational background includes four years of college, five years of doctoral education, one year of supervised internship, and two years of post-doctoral residency. I have undergone training and have conducted research in several forms of psychotherapy, with an emphasis on cognitive-behavioral forms of therapy. Over the years, I have taught undergraduate, masters, and doctoral courses as an adjunct professor at seven colleges and universities.
My 45 years of experience include 40 years of private practice in Atlanta, where I have worked with a variety of clients on concerns ranging from making career decisions and improving relationships to more severe problems such as overcoming depression and recovering from addictions. I practice several forms of counseling and psychotherapy, including interpersonal, cognitive behavioral, and existential forms of psychotherapy.
My academic pursuits include teaching at the doctoral and masters levels. I am an Adjunct Instructor at Emory University, where I teach Professional Ethics in the doctoral program in Clinical Psychology. I am Adjunct Clinical Associate Professor in the Mercer University College of Health Professions in Atlanta. I have been an Adjunct Professor at Richmont Graduate University, which is a faith-based graduate training program in Atlanta, where I have taught graduate courses, webinars, and workshops in Professional Ethics, Psychopathology, and Addictions Counseling since 2003. Many of my former students have become university professors, as well as psychologists, professional counselors, and marriage and family therapists.
My bibliography includes four books and one assessment instrument published by Professional Resource Press (PRP), as well as over 100 published articles and professional seminars in specialty areas related to professional ethics, diagnostic assessment, and cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy. I am the author of Risk Management: Clinical, Ethical, and Legal Guidelines for Successful Practice (Second Edition, 2015), which is a handbook of ethical practice guidelines for mental health professionals. I am the author of Ethical Risk Management (Second Edition, 2012), which is a resource book for handling complex ethical dilemmas in clinical practice. I am the author of the Multiaxial Diagnostic Inventory - Revised Edition (1999), which is a diagnostic assessment instrument for mental health professionals. I am the author of Clinical Assessment: A Handbook for Mental Health Professionals (1983), which is a handbook of clinical interviewing guidelines published by the Division of Mental Health and Mental Retardation, Georgia Department of Human Resources.
For over 10 years, I served as Editor of the Georgia Psychologist magazine, which is the official publication of the Georgia Psychological Association. In 2009, I was honored to become Editor Emeritus of GPA. As a writer, I have observed that life is lived in chapters: It is best understood when looking backward, but it is best lived when looking forward. As a counselor, I look forward to helping you write the next chapter of your life.